Lake Constance with its mild climate and the unifying function between four countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) offers ideal conditions for a variety of economic sectors. As holiday destination the area is known for its flora and fauna. The preservation of this beauty and in general of the environment is a matter that a lot of people and companies take close to their hearts.



The following companies are also committed to sustainability in different ways. Both in the production of their products and the construction of their production facilities, but also in their general basic attitude. Sustainability is a common issue throughout all sectors. During a visit you can experience how at first glance contradictory topics like economy and sustainability are successfully combined. This is not only a source of inspiration for the work environment, but especially for our everyday actions.



A compilation of visits, according to the participants interests, can be carried out, for periods ranging from three to five days, depending on the number of visited companies. Each visit gives general informations about the company in order to examine how to put into practice sustainability criteria. By joint discussions the visitors groups get new ideas that can be transferred into the own way of living and working.


The following companies open their doors and you can join them for a backstage view on their daily work:


  • The BODAN Großhandel für Naturkost GmbH from Überlingen supplied with a full range of over 12,000 organic products the independent organic food retail trade in southern Germany and Vorarlberg. The company was founded in 1987 and employs nearly 200 staff and makes every effort to offer not only sustainably produced goods, but also handle all logistics processes as resource-efficient as possible. During a visit you can see necessary technical solutions (e.g. warehouses and truck trailers with energy-efficient cooling technology, solar system) and you receive an impression what it even means to be acting according to the principles of the common good economy company.


  • The Druckerei Konstanz GmbH is responsible as SÜDKURIER Medienhaus company since 1945 for the printing of the newspaper. On March 1, 2010, the new printing office goes on line. The centerpiece is the innovative in producing waterless offset process rotary printing press KBA Cortina. It allowed not only a much better print quality, but also significant savings of paper, water, solvents and chemicals. So the Druckerei Konstanz comply with economical use of resources, less waste and reduced emissions central aspects of sustainability. With numerous awards at major industry competitions they also give proof of their efficiency.


  • dwp eG, seated in Ravensburg, is one of the leading fair trade companies in Germany. The longstanding collaboration with 60 worldwide producer groups in 30 countries, the direct personal contacts and the fair producer prices allow products of very high quality and often unique in its kind.  Get to know more about a global and sustainable cooperation!


  • ECOCAMPING e.V. works throughout Europe to promote sustainable camping tourism. Focuses on the introduction of the ECOCAMPING management, climate protection and the dissemination of nature experiences on campsites. Get to know the three main areas of ECOCAMPING:  Environment - Quality - consultation. Learn during a visit how sustainability and tourism can be profitable connected, especially in the camping area. The theory is supplemented by visiting the local campsite so that you can understand the implementation.


  • Fruchthof Konstanz GmbH was founded in 1993 as a specialized fruit, vegetables and tropical fruit wholesaler. An environment management system (EMAS) has been introduced in early times, small regional farms are supported and the active energy concept of the administrative and storage buildings serve as an excellent example for many companies. Get to know more in a stimulating visit.


  • International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e.V. researches and develops crystalline silicon-solar cells since 2005. Their aim is to make solar cells more efficient, to reduce the cost of production and to promote the diffusion of this environmentally friendly technology. Summarizing: research for a sunny future!


  • The Landmetzgerei Bernhorst Koch is particularly characterized by its regional identity and customer focus. The cornerstones of the company are the love to the product and the respect for human beings and animals. So the butcher shop has a high quality and good taste despite diverse range, which arriving at customers. The philosophy behind the company is on animal welfare and feeding, careful processing and a meaningful sustainable production of goods, which ensures the quality, freshness and taste of the products. In addition, the rural butcher shop has also committed to produce and economize exclusively sustainable.


  • The advantaged by climate Mainau Island of Flowers is unique in the world and invites its visitors to relax and relaxation. Nevertheless, the island offers a lot more than that. Since 1998, the issue of environmental policies is an ongoing and integral aspect of corporate management. As part of the energy management Mainau GmbH creates the conditions for an ecological and economically bias of energy supply.


  • Peter Riegel Weinimport GmbH – In the late of 1970 the story of Peter Riegel began as a retailer of haberdashery as handspun wool, eco-paper and candles. Today, 30 years later, he can call himself Europe's biggest Merchant of organic wine. The assortment includes more than 1,000 organically produced wines from 16 countries around the world. The visit will include the wine storage in its specific construction, the office building, the wine shop and the outdoor facilities. The visitors will also learn about the benefits of sustainable management in relation to employees and the company's success.


  • Since 1892, the Randegger Ottilien-Quelle is in the hand of entrepreneur’s dynasty Fleischmann. The company philosophy of the small company is ‘thinking globally, drink locally'. By filling in solely returnable glass bottles, over the short distribution channels, up to the management of the bottle washing machine with wood pellets - all production steps are designed environmentally friendly as possible. Thereby the Randegger Ottilien-Quelle is nationwide the first in the industry with completely CO2-neutral production and received in December 2006 for it the Aesculap Environment Prize. Visitors will not only gain insights into the process in the bottling of beverage, but also get valuable information about the Randegger source including a tasting.


  • Sonnet OHG, founded in 1977, belongs to the pioneers in organic washing powders and cleansers. The products are distributed from Deggenhausertal, near Lake Constance, in 43 countries. Get to know the anthroposophical spiritual company philosophy and its concept of quality.


  • Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH is one of the largest energy supply and transport companies in the region. It supplies the inhabitants of Constance and the suburbs since 1908 with electricity and is also engaged for eco-friendly mobility and energy. So the customers can for example refuel their electric vehicles for free in the in-house charging station with green power. During the visit the participant can see the customer service center, the energy cube, and the subject alternative mobility at the center.


  • Sunny Solartechnik GmbH belongs to the pioneers in the field of photovoltaic and solar technology. For more than 20 years its team has been working in the consulting, planning, assembly, installation and maintenance of solar power systems. Get to know more about possibilities of an efficient and ecological energy supply.


  • VIDA Eat Different GmbH – VIDA is the first bio-delivery service and organic catering service in Konstanz, which has a rich and especially sustainable supply. The various dishes are mostly prepared with ingredients from local suppliers and coordinated seasonally. Furthermore the company uses electric mobility, green electricity and recyclable packaging. During a visit learn more about the young business idea and the entire sustainable business concept.


A framework programme (restaurants, city tours, etc.) can at request be arranged for the visitors´ groups. This is individually planned and adapted to the group.


The seminars are targeted to teachers and trainers or experts who carry out teaching activities.

Listája Képzési egység

Képzési egység Szektor Katalógusverzió
Teacher's Day ecological sustainability -

Szemináriumok listája

Szemináriumok Cég Katalógusverzió Idõtartam
BODAN: Naturkost aus Überlingen seit 1987 Bodan GmbH - 2 óra
Die Druckerei Konstanz – Vorreiter bei der umweltfreundlichen Produktion von Printprodukten Druckerei Konstanz - 2 óra
Taking on responsibility for mankind and environment by means of Fair trade dwp eG Fairhandelsgenossenschaft - 2 óra
ECOCAMPING Managementsystem: Campingplätze werden grün ECOCAMPING e.V. - 2 óra
Conservation-conscious and sustainable corporate governance using the example of the Fruchthof Konstanz Fruchthof Konstanz GmbH - 3 óra
Betriebserkundung inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH - 1 óra
Development and production of silicon solar cells International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e.V. - 1 óra
Mit guten Gewissen genießen - Einblicke in die Landmetzgerei Bernhorst Koch Landmetzgerei Bernhorst Koch - 2 óra
Energiemanagement einer Insel Mainau GmbH - 2 óra
Bioweine – Das Tüpfelchen auf dem i der Weinqualität?! Peter Riegel Weinimport GmbH - 2 óra
‚Denk global, trink lokal‘ – Besichtigung der Randegger-Ottilien Quelle Randegger Ottilien-Quelle - 2 óra
Betriebserkundung Renfert GmbH Renfert GmbH - 1 óra
Consequent production of environmentally sustainable detergents and purifiers Sonett OHG - 2 óra
Arbeitsfeld Stadtwerke Konstanz – Energie und Mobilität Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH - 2 óra
Solar power – photovoltaics – and solar technology Sunny Solartechnik GmbH - 2 óra
Fast food – ecologically correct and healthy?! VIDA Eat Different GmbH - 2 óra

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