Wine business and marketing in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Friuli Venezia Giulia is a region that has a natural calling for viticulture: a heterogeneous and charming territory where you can enjoy a unique sensory experience, discovering some of the best white wines of the world and very peculiar red wines.



In the Friuli Venezia Giulia region there are approximately 1.500 wine farms that produce more than 80 million bottles a year. The eight DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) areas and the three DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin) areas for a “Vineyard called Friuli”, that covers an area of over 16 thousand hectares, are evidence of the variety and the characteristics of the territory, which generates wines that are strongly representative of the land where they are produced.


In this context, promoting regional wine business means not only promoting the products but also improving tourism in this area: for this reason, marketing strategies are close connected to local and regional initiatives such as fairs, taste itineraries, wine and food events, etc. In particular, there is a strong connection between the wine sector and the catering and tourism one.



This circuit foresees a path of discovery of wine farms that represent some of the regional DOC areas and that will testify to their own territory features and production, and their local/international marketing strategies as well. The main character of this circuit is therefore the wine, of which it will be possible not only to know the details related to history, production and promotion, but also to taste in its different declinations.


The circuit lasts three days and includes seminars in company both in the morning and in the afternoon, with a link to other tourist-cultural discovery programs of the territory.

Número máximo de participantes: 15
Precio: -


Seminario Empresa anfitriona Duración
Being winemakers in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region Adriano Gigante S.s.a. 3 h
Brand promotion Bastianich S.r.l. 3 h
A vineyard called Friuli Consorzio delle DOC 2 h
Expressing a territory through the wine Lis Neris 2 h
Small business marketing Masùt da Rive 3 h
The history of wine Vigneti Pietro Pittaro 2 h
Being winemakers as a family vocation Zorzettig di Zorzettig cav. Giuseppe s.s.a 3 h


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ED0087 20 mayo 2014 23 mayo 2014 CIVIFORM 9 -