Lifelong learning and education

At the seminar you will learn the importance of lifelong learning, education of adults and get informed about the methods of work that you can include in your daily work.


How does the Informing and professional consulting for the unemployed look like?
At the seminar you will learn:
• Opportunities for education and training, presentation of professions and employment in particular profession, employability by region.
• presentation of the newer, less-known occupations
• you will learn how to write an application for a work that stands out

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Seminer listesi

Seminer Firma Uzunluk
Informing and professional consulting for the unemployed Ljudska Univerza v Celju 8 h
Education of adults and integration into society Ljudska Univerza v Celju 5 h

Mevcut planlanan baskýlar

Baský Den E Saðlayýcý Kayýt için son tarih
Planlanmýþ baský yok

Yapýlan baskýlar

Baský Den E Saðlayýcý Katýlýmcý Dönüt
ED0243 Mayıs 27 2015 Mayıs 27 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -
ED0240 Mayıs 13 2015 Mayıs 13 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -
ED0234 Mart 13 2015 Mart 13 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -