From mechanical engineering to sports aircraft

The first part of the seminar is about the company, founding, short history of developing, related to the organizational characteristics, the type of products/services and the target markets of the company. Then the practical aspects of the quality, safety and environment management systems are presented. This presentation is in preparation for the following visit to the departments of the company (about 60 minutes).


Main subjects presented during the seminar:

  • Specialized in the machining, shaping and cutting of metals
  • Welded structures and components for the mechanical engineering industry
  • Microlight sports aircraft Viper SD-4
  • Production of microlights plane


The second part of the seminar is the visit of production lines of company. It is demostrated the whole manufacturing process from design to its production and lauching on the market (about 120 minutes).

The third part of the seminar is the discussion about first part and visiting of production lines of company, especially about Viper SD-4 (about 60 minutes).

Seminer türü: Tematik seminer
Eðitim firmasý: Tomark s.r.o.
Katalog: EU Circuits PREŠOV REGION
Firma konuþmacýsý: Ing. Daniel Tomko
Uzunluk: 4 h