Deli Traiteur



Deli Traiteur serves healthy, traditional, ready-made meals. This includes dinners, soups, salads, breads, ice...


The company started in 1990 and achieved success with their broad assortment and 7 by 7, 24h by 24h opening hours.

A good service towards our clients is our first and principal central policy.


At Deli Traiteur taking care of environment is a part of our broader philosophy. Therefore our packaging is made out of alternative materials with a lower environmental impact. The emission of our current range of (disponable) packaging equals the emission of 609 medium cars driving each 60000 km per year.


The Deli Traiteur group is active in 8 countries - Belgium, France, Luxembourg, UK, Hungary, Romania, Netherlands Antilles and Guyana - with more than 1400 stores.


How to find us:



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Settore: Food Sector
Paese: Belgio
Indirizzo: Chaussée de Namur, 59-61
C.A.P.: 1400
Città: Nivelles
Provincia: -
Telefono: 0032 (0) 71 20 42 52
Fax: 0032 (0)71 20 43 65
E-mail: -

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Deli Traiteur - food and service 24/7 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Food Industry - 3 h