Corporate Social Responsibility in the Food Industry

The companies of the food circuit are located in Flanders and Brussels. There is a well-developed food production sector, which deserves to be studied and visited.


Circuit Content
This circuit includes several large operators in the food industry. Each of them realized promising evolutions and gathered knowledge and experience on many aspects. Throughout the years, they learned to embrace the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). These companies managed to integrate CSR in their mission and in their daily performances. The circuit will teach you how organizations nowadays can realize the high expectations within CSR. You will be introduced to different applications of CSR in different contexts. Many topics will be handled during the circuit, for example the use of a code of conduct, creating awareness about drinking water, acting on an international sustainable level, realizing diversity and integration on the workplace, etc.  

The circuit gives a general introduction on corporate social responsibility, illustrated with many examples and practices. It is accessible for a broad public and there is no special knowledge level required. The circuit is open for anyone interested in CSR. The goal is to attract people who wants to apply the acquired knowledge and practices in their own company or environment. 


Circuit Organization
The circuit consists of four company visits, spread among three days. Every visit comprise two parts. Part one gives a general introduction of the company. Part two focuses on one or more topics related to corporate social responsibility. Through interaction, discussion, cases and workshops, knowledge transfer between the visitors is encouraged. The following companies open their doors and provide a look behind the scenes of their daily work:




Company 1: Colruyt Group

Scale of the company: > 25.000 employees
Visitors: business students, young entrepreneurs


Colruyt Group. 80 years ago, the family company Colruyt opened their doors. The supermarket soon knew a big success with their lowest price guarantee, and grew out as one of the larger retail companies in Belgium. They developed the Colruyt Group, consisting of many shops and brands, active in four countries.  From the start, sustainability was included in the mission statement of the Colruyt Group. The focus of their sustainable engagements are divided in three pillars: human resources, environment and products. Each of these pillars can look back on multiple successful projects, some of them unique in their kind. Let’s discover these success stories at Colruyt Group!





Company 2: Pidpa/ Hidrodoe

Scale of the company: 693 employees
Visitors: students, young entrepreneurs, employees and employers, interested in respectful usage of water and how to create awareness.


Pidpa. Providing drinking water to more than 500.000 customers or 1.2 billion residents, Pidpa profiles itself as one of the largest Flemish water companies. By purifying groundwater, they offer 175 billion liters a day, which is distributed by an impressive infrastructure of 61 water towers, 27 stations and 12.700 km of pipes. Pidpa is also responsible for the professional treatment of wastewater in 33  cities. An important aspect of their mission is to create awareness among the users of water. Hidrodoe, an interactive playground and learning platform, is developed for reaching this goal. Through own experience and learning, visitors become aware of the characteristics of water and the critical importance of drinking water for everyone on this planet. Are you ready for a refreshing visit at Hidrodoe?



Company 3: Delitraiteur
Scale of the company: < 50 employees
Visitors: business students, young entrepreneurs, marketing and communication specialists


Delitraiteur. Offering instant, high quality meals is the key business of Delitraiteur. More than 200 instant meals are available for customers in 35 shops around Belgium. Delitraiteur provides a wide assortment of soups, meals, salads, breads, baked goods, artisanal ice, wines and champagnes. A number of these products are provided with the quality label ‘Intelligent Nutrition’, a certificate for healthy food. High importance is attached to customer service. For that, the shops are open until 10 pm, every day, even on Sundays and holidays.





Company 4: Sodexo

Scale of the company: 4.000 employees
Visitors: students, young entrepreneurs, employees and employers, interested in sustainable development.


Sodexo. They define the quality of life as a determining factor for the results of companies. Sodexo offers a wide range of unique services that improve the wellbeing and motivation of individuals in the workplace. Every day, one in four Belgians benefits of the on-site services, benefits & rewards services or personal & home services, offered by 4.000 employees on 1.200 sites in Belgium. Sodexo Group is present in 80 countries worldwide and are active in companies, schools, universities, hospitals, prisons, etc. In 2009 they formulated the “Better Tomorrow Plan”, focused on sustainable development. An important aspect is the attention for diversity in the workplace. Sodexo wants to assure equal opportunities for all their employees, despite their culture, gender, age or physical conditions.



Maximális létszám: 50
Részvételi díj: -

Szemináriumok listája

Szeminárium Cég Idõtartam
Deli Traiteur - food and service 24/7 Deli Traiteur 3 óra
Pidpa/ Hidrodoe - respectful usage of water Pidpa/ Hidrodoe 3 óra
Colruyt Group - wide range of sustainable activities Colruyt Group 3 óra
Sodexo - Better Tomorrow Plan Sodexo 2 óra

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