Circuiti internazionali (risultati da 1 a 20 di 29 in 2 pagine)

Circuito Paese LNMB Settore
Flanders and Brussels: big in the food industry! – Business related topics BE G&L VOKA - ODISEE Food industry
Evolution from a one (wo)man business to a multinational BE G&L VOKA - ODISEE Food industry
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Food Industry BE G&L VOKA - ODISEE Food Industry
Growth in Flanders, Brussels and the Netherlands BE G&L VOKA - ODISEE Food industry
Lake Constance - way more than just apples! DE G&L LAKE CONSTANCE Agriculture products and food industry
Economy and sustainability?? Economy and sustainability!!! DE G&L LAKE CONSTANCE Sustainable businesses and products
Occupational Health and Competitiveness of Companies ES G&L MADRID Varios
Disability & Companies: Attracting talent and business opportunitites ES G&L MADRID Varios
In the discovery of the wines’s region. FR G&L AUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES Wine
Companies of food industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county HU G&L SSB NYÍREGYHÁZA Food industry
Metal industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County HU G&L SSB NYÍREGYHÁZA Metal industry
L'approccio lean in Friuli VG IT G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Lean Production
Tecnologie digitali e innovazione IT G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA ICT
SIAMO QUELLO CHE MANGIAMO: cultura, ambiente, e salute nel territorio del Veneto IT G&L VENETO Food Industry
Tra saperi e sapori. Le coltellerie maniaghesi, una storia d'acqua, terra e fuoco IT G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Lavorazione metalli
Digital Innovations serving Business Excellence in Lombardy IT G&L LOMBARDIA Digital Innovations
A training journey through the flavours of Piedmont IT G&L PIEMONTE AGRI-FOOD
La meccanica di precisione in Friuli VG IT G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Metalmeccanico
Valorizzazione del territorio, della cultura e delle produzioni tipiche agroalimentari IT G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Turismo e agroalimentare
Corporate Marketing Strategies of Lombard Companies IT G&L LOMBARDIA Corporate Marketing Strategies
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